Solar Sales Process and CRM Systems
PVSCS has built out several PV Solar Sales Process documents along with Customer Relationship Management systems for both Residential and Commercial solar integrators/developers. We use previously successful lead qualification and sales process methods while implementing the CRM system. Each is unique to your company’s specific needs combining what works for you with what has worked for our team in the past. We can provide an efficient and effect way to deliver solar energy systems.

Solar Regulatory Policy and Grant Support
PVSCS with our partners from the law firm Rosenberg, Kim and Jimenez have been working within the government framework supporting clients regarding there Regulatory and Federal and State financial grant opportunities. Understanding what’s needed to address local legislation as it pertains to solar project development and understanding how to change it can be a cumbersome task. The same goes for applying and obtaining a Federal or State grant. PVSCS and our partners at the very least can help determine what if any options there are for your company.

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